Pre-Diabetes - Now is the Time to Stop It

Take charge of Your health and Cheat The Grim Reaper!

This description is precisely a testimonial-no, it's not like the ones that some people originate in order to sell a product. What you read in this description can bring about a valuable change in your life...if you will just take the few minutes to read all of what I have written. It could just save a life-maybe even yours.

Fluke 111

If you or a loved-one was diagnosed with pre-diabetes-this is not a death sentence! This testimonial originates from my wife, Margie. Some four months ago her annual checkup revealed that her blood glucose (sugar) was 6.8 on the hemoglobin A1c test. 7.0 on this test is lasting diabetes. How close can you get?

Given this diagnosis, person with pre-diabetes has three inescapable choices:

Begin a regimen of prescribe drugs to help the insulin man-made in the pancreas to metabolize sugar in the blood into glucose, which is then transported to the cells in our muscles and other body tissues to give them energy. Begin development valuable lifestyle changes, together with diet Simply ignore the warnings and allow this "Incurable Condition" to at last kill you.

I purposely used quotes around Incurable health for this reason--valid scientific investigate indicates that diabetes can be reversed. Ok so a consolidate of people reported that they beat diabetes-so what! It's just a fluke.

But when hundreds, even thousands of people rid themselves of this condition-using natural methods-eventually our health care providers will wake up and take notice.

Has your physician told you that a consolidate of tablespoons full of lowly cinnamon will help metabolize whatever sugar is in your bloodstream? Capsules will work too. Has he said that the same estimate of apple cider vinegar will do the same thing? Has he told you to eliminate All sugar and the "white" foods from your diet-like potatoes, rice, flour and so forth?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you are privileged to be treated by one of only a handful of doctors who have-in fact-realized that there precisely is some truth in this "natural" health care phenomenon.

My wife chose selection (2) from above. This tough old gal decided to fully overhaul her diet. She eliminated all sugar intake. She went on a precise low carbohydrate (almost No Carbs) diet. She exercises on a regular basis at a local gym. So what good did this do-here's what it did in just about four months:

Her blood (glucose) level dropped from 6.8 to 6.0 She lost over 50 pounds (22.73 kg) She is now giving away her "fat clothes" because her dress size went from size 18 to size 8.

The truth is her family, friends and neighbors are amazed at how distinct she looks. Several have said, "Margie, you look 'hot'."

Oh-how she loves to hear that!

It's not that complicated. And the more people who make the measurement to change their lifestyle, the lower the statistics will drop. Today The American Diabetes connection says there are over 23 million diabetics in the U.S. Alone. Of this number, 5.7 million are pre-diabetic and 5.7 million are undiagnosed.

Pre-Diabetes - Now is the Time to Stop It

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