The Fastest Trains in the World

Everyone loves the thrill of travelling by train providing you're off on holiday somewhere amazing. Either it's the Eurostar from the Uk to France or getting the express train to Gatwick airport, being on a train helps build up the excitement for the events ahead. Below is a list of the fastest trains in the world which has helped make travelling the fastest and most efficient it has ever been for travellers over the globe.

Ktx- Korea

Fluke 111

Operated by Korail, the Korea Train eXpress (Ktx) is the fastest rail system set in South Korea. Its top speed is 350km/hr but this can be minuscule to 300km/hr for safety when general assistance is running. Its top speed ever recorded is 352.4km/hr on 16 December 2004.

Crh2 - China

One of the fastest trains in china is the Crh2 - a modified version of the E-2-1000 series. The fastest speed recorded is 350 km/hr for the Crh2C model.

Thsr - Taiwan

The Taiwan High Speed Rail runs along the west coast of Taiwan from Taipei to Kaohsiung and is about 345 km long. The technology is based on Japans Shinkansen system mixed with European components. Its operating speed is 300 km/h making it one of, but not the, fastest trains in the world.

Ave - Spain

The Alta Velocidad Espanola means high speed, and also translates to bird in Spanish. The Ave is a network of trains that run at high speed connecting all the major towns and cities over Spain. It can run up to speeds of 300 km/hr.

Eurostar - Uk

Based in the Uk, Eurostar connects to around France. It connects London and Kent with Paris and Lille, and also Brussels in Belgium. Eurostar also runs seasonal trains to the Disneyland Resort in Paris. It is one of the top speed trains and is the fastest way to get to France from London other than by plane.

All of the above trains have spoton condition and safety regulations that they must follow and are often tested to check they are safe to run. Many complicated instruments are used while this process along with fluke multimeters and track tools. As these trains tour at such high speeds it is so leading that instrument calibration is carried out to safe travellers and sell out the risk of any complications. Developments in technology mean that a new high speed train could be active anytime soon, most likely in Japan or China as their technology is more industrialized than the rest of the world.

The Fastest Trains in the World

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