Diseases Caused by Worms - Flukes (Trematodes)

There are a half dozen Varieties of flukes having similar characteristics. These are all about the same size, ranging from one to two and a half cm. In length and causing the same normal complaints.

Geographical Distribution:
Africa, especially the Congo and north Africa; India, especially Maharashtra, Bengal and Assam; throughout the Far East; British Guiana.


Life-cycleof Flukes (Trematodes):
The adult worm lives in man. It is found in the liver, bladder and lining of the intestine. The eggs are passed in the stool and urine; and when they find their way into pools of water, they are taken up by snails where they create in the body of the snail. Some of them create in the bodies of fish. Soon a mobile form is passed into the water and infects whatever who wades or swims in the pond. After the skin is dry it penetrates the skin, gets into the blood stream and finally to complete the cycle, reaches the liver, bladder, or lining of the intestine.

Symptoms of Flukes (Trematodes):
Hrematuria (blood in the urine)-this is painless; hremoptysis (coughing up of blood); diarrhcea; enlarged liver and spleen. Diagnosis: Eggs of the worm found in the stool or urine.

Prophylaxis for Flukes (Trematodes):
Prevent the infection of pools by human freces. Refrain from spitting and blowing the contents of the nose on to the ground, as such practices facilitate the spreading of the eggs. Eradicate the snail. Avoid eating poorly cooked fish and meat as well as raw water plants. Avoid wading or swimming in pools known to be contaminated.

Diseases Caused by Worms - Flukes (Trematodes)

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