In the historic consummate Court case of Lau v. Nichols, decided in 1974, a group of non-English-speaking students and parents of Chinese ancestry filed a class activity suit against the San Francisco Unified School District (Sfusd), claiming that they had been denied a meaningful chance to share in the public educational program in violation of Title Vi of the Civil rights Act of 1964 and the Fourteenth Amendment.
Title Vi banned discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in any program receiving federal financial assistance. On appeal, the U.S. consummate Court decided in favor of the plaintiffs. The ruling did not specify any specific remedy because no specific remedy had been requested by the plaintiffs. The court noted that "no remedy is urged upon us." As a consequent of the Lau v. Nichols decision, Congress took assorted actions.
They passed the Equal Educational chance Act (Eeoa) in 1974, which prohibits denial of equal entrance and deliberate segregation and requires districts to take actions to remedy language barriers. By codifying the language of the Lau decision into law, Congress ensured that the ruling of the court would endure.
In addition, the legislators passed amendments to the Bilingual education Act, which provided federal funding for bilingual programs at a higher level than before. In 1975, the Office of Civil rights (Ocr) issued the "Lau Remedies," which specified procedures for identifying limited-English-proficient (Lep) students, provided guidelines for determining which type of program was needed to meet students' needs, set program exit guidelines (also known as reclassification), and established standards for teachers in terms of the profile and training they should have.
The Lau Remedies were used for any years by the Ocr of the U.S. Department of education in conducting Lau compliancy reviews. But the remedies were an administrative explication that needed more power behind them.
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