How to elect the Right Anchor for My Boat?

There are distinct kinds of anchors available and for boaters sometimes selecting an anchor can be just as confusing as selecting the right boat. When it comes to anchors, the one-size-fits-all system won't work. The kind of anchor to be used varies depending upon the type of water body you would be boating in-current levels are distinct for rivers and seas, the terrain at the bottom of the water body-whether it would be sandy, weedy or rocky and the type of boat you have-anchor types for larger boats are distinct from those for smaller boats. This boating description explains the most common types of anchors available and their usability. Reading this might help you adopt the right anchor for your boating expeditions.

• Know the distinct types of anchors: The most common types of anchors available are:

Fluke 111

- Fluke or Danforth: The fluke anchor, as the name suggests has flukes i.e. Two large flat surfaces attached to a stock at its crown. Danforth is the most popular industrial brand for the fluke type anchor and hence the fluke anchors are generally referred to as Danforth anchors as well. The fluke anchors are quite covenant and not very heavy. These features make them best qualified for small or medium sized boats. While their compactness makes them easy to store and use, they have a surprisingly strong hold on sandy and muddy bottoms. However, the fluke anchors are not great with weed covered bottoms.
- Clyde Quick release (Cqr ) or Plough: The Cqr anchor is also called the plough anchor because of its striking look to the customary farmer's plough. The plow anchor has a single plow with a pivot attached to it at the shanks end. Some advantages of the Cqr anchor or the plow anchor is that, it holds good even when there are changes in the wind velocity and water currents. Despite its stronghold, the Cqr anchor is easy to release when pulled upwards, vertically.
- Bruce or Claw anchor: The bruce anchor, so name after it's inventor, is also known as the claw anchor as it resembles the claw. The bruce anchor is good for smaller boats and sandy, muddy bottoms. The bruce or claw anchor holds very well even if there are directional changes of 360 degrees owing to wind and water currents. Pulling the anchor upwards loosens its hold.
- Mushroom anchor: The mushroom anchor, as the name suggests, resembles a mushroom. It has a wide cap like bottom and is best qualified when anchoring in muddy, weedy soil. The mushroom anchor won't be of much use when in rocky bottoms.
- Navy anchor: The navy anchor is well qualified for rocky bottom.
- galvanic anchor: The galvanic anchor is a good option for those who don't want to take on the task of anchoring. With galvanic anchor, the boater doesn't have to lower the anchor or pull it up. It all happens at the switch of a button. However, one drawback with the galvanic anchor is, it comes only in the form of mushroom anchor, which are great for muddy, weedy bottoms, but not well qualified for rocky ones.

Anchoring is not as easy as dumping the right anchor into the water and forgetting about it. Even after selecting the right anchor, make sure you lower it correctly. Anchoring a boat right takes skill, but can be learnt with practice. Be extra true if you are sleeping aboard the anchored boat because wind velocity and currents tend to move it and in ultimate cases cause the anchor to come loose. You might even consider having a Gps system with an audible anchor alarm for safety, which would intimate you in the event of the boat changing positions.

How to elect the Right Anchor for My Boat?

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